Thursday, October 4, 2012

Be a Kid Again...

I love that children are imaginative, accepting and can say exactly what they feel and think. 
My 4 year old niece, Tenesey, was at her ballet class recently when a new girl showed up in class.  Standing all alone, this sweet new comer looked rather uncomfortable. Tenesey decided she would make this little ballerina feel welcome.  So, she sashayed her way to the other side of the floor and confidently introduced herself by saying, "Hi, I'm Tenesey, you can come sit by me because I'm a beautiful girl."
When we are young we are all capable of imagining possibilities, accepting and loving ourselves.  But somehow as we get older we develop insecurities, bad self-images and anxieties.  Why do we let life have that sort of influence on us? Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." So, we have a choice to believe what we are.  Although I don't suggest we walk around telling people how wonderful or (as Tenesey would say) how beautiful we are I do suggest we go back to some of our childlike ways.  Let's be like Tenesey and have confidence in ourselves, our ideas and our abilities to help those around us. 


  1. This is a great story and good reminder! Thanks xoxo

  2. This is so sweet. I love stories like this about kids. We have SO much to learn from them.

  3. Aw, what a darling story! I love it. And such a sweet little narrative to learn from.

  4. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Children are absolutely great examples to us, each day we need to recognize how meek and innocent they are, humble and happy, teachable and grateful, confident and accepting...we need to be more like them, I agree. Thanks again!

  5. I agree we do have a lot to learn from the example of little children! I'm glad you enjoyed this cute experience:)
